Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Welcome to The Scholarly Tiger!!!!  This will be another tool in our quest for excellence and we will use it to share our collective expertise.  Each week you will be asked to thoughtfully respond to a prompt about education and/or The Hills.  You will also be asked to comment on at least one of your colleagues posts.  Look at this as another opportunity to grow and not as being something else to do.  First post, how do you feel now that you have blogged?


  1. I blog a lot for graduate school, so I think that it is wonderful to blog about education and about my experiences at "The Hills". I am definitely looking forward to it.

  2. Thanks Mrs. Collins. I am excited about the possibilities that blogging brings to our campus.

  3. I used to blog in graduate school and it was always very interesting to see how others viewed certain topics. I am very excited to have an opportunity to blog here at work.

  4. I guess....I am going to have to learn!!! Sounds interesting. Lets get it Rolling at the Hills!!!:)

  5. Now that I have blogged, I feel EMPOWERED!! I'm intrigued to see what good things come of it here at The Hills.

  6. It has been a while since I have blogged. Nice to get back on the wagon

  7. It feels Gr-r-reat!". I can't wait to hear more from everyone.

  8. Cool Beans! I love to share ideas and learn from others!!!!

  9. Blogging has been a grad school norm for me too so this should be interesting as long as this doesn't turn into the Hill's version of Facebook.

  10. I don't blog. I've thought about doing it but never have enough time to sit down and to make my scattered thoughts connect. Mixed feelings but I'm here....

  11. I can't say that I have ever blogged before. This is a first for me. I'm here and I'm Bloggin!!! :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I mostly read blogs, but do not regularly post comments. I will need accountability on that. There should be some exciting topics discussed.

  14. Hey RHE Fam!! I'm excited, lets blog!!

  15. I guess I'll add this to my To Do List. Go Tiiiggerrrss

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I feel very comfortable with blogging. It played a major part in graduate school with my Art and Technology class. Excited!!

  18. Since I have been involved with ecircle, I have had to post homework comments. Sometimes these have been worthwhile and sometimes they have been nothing but busy work. Hopefully this will remain in the realm of the former. Also I hope that this system becomes easier to use with time as I consider myself fairly computer literate but have encountered problems with this.

  19. I'm so excited that "the hills" have begun this site to share ideas and information. Be sure and check out the LISD blog on the district website or on staffnet. Great Job Rolling Hills!

  20. The jury is still out..I'm here!

  21. I've have read blogs before but I have never been involved with one or posted on a site. I hope this becomes a place to share things and learn from each other and not just one more thing to do.

  22. I think this is a great idea. A couple of years ago I had to create a blog account with Google for one of the classes I took to receive my Master's in Library Science. This is a great way to communicate.

  23. Thanks for the opportunity to communicate and express how we feel about our directions and how we are going to reach our goal. Stay focused, move forward and bring everyone else along for the journey.

  24. I am posting with eCIRCLE classes and it is good to know the thoughts of the individuals in class. It will be good to know what my family's thoughts are here at RHE.

  25. Mmmmm...Write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it." Habakkuk 2:2

  26. Well................it has been quite some time since I've had to log in and post comments for anything related to "education", but I think it will be interesting to read our RHE postings!

  27. Hello RHE family! Blogging....Hopefully this will be a very beneficial piece for our campus. The 21st century has definitely changed communication but as long as it's purpose is EXEMPLARY BOUND then count me in!

  28. Looks like RHE is just getting better and better. Exemplary here we come. :-)

  29. Apparently, Ms. Murray does not know how to blog because I know I posted last week.Blogging is going to be interesting. Hopefully this one posts! :)

  30. Versatility has made me effective because I have to address multiple learning stlyes. I show student value when I acknowledge their different learning styles. This builds confidence and great self-esteem in the students.

  31. It is nice to blog with other teachers! I just did the same thing last sem. in grad school.

  32. First, I am WAY behind in getting this started. That was not a choice, I just totally missed the boat. Second, I prefer to look and listen when it comes to computer communication, but I will make an effort to respond. Third, I do believe this has the power to be an effective professional development and community building tool as long as we strive to maintain professionalism.

  33. This is like facebook. It is interesting to read what others are thinking

  34. This is my first experience with blogging and I hope I do not get addicted to it like I was with Facebook.

  35. Having participated in blogging for Grad school, I am very comfortable with doing so. It will be very interesting to see the topics we will have discussions about.
