Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Whale Done

For this week's post, I would like for you to read the first two chapters of "Whale Done" and reflect on the content.  Please keep your comments to Chapters 1 & 2.   In your reflection, consider these guiding questions:
-Are the Whale Done principles doable?
-What are benefits of doing this?
-How hard would it be to do this both personally and professionally?
-Who would benefit if I am successful at changing?


  1. The principles of "Whale Done!" are definitely doable and beneficial. It all comes down to establishing trust and building relationships. People (and whales) perform better when you create a positive work environment. I agree on the "Whale Done!" approach, which concentrates on accentuating the positive, rather than the common “GOTCHA” tactic of trying to catch people in mistakes and then punishing them. It is counterproductive in the workplace to breed an environment of fear and resentment. The "Whale Done!" approach focuses on positive reinforcement and catching indivuduals doing things right....then tell them, “Whale Done!”

  2. When I first started teaching, I felt like I had to openly and loudly point out every misbehavior and make an example out of the kid who did it. What did I get? More misbehavior. When the authors say on pg. 11 that "...when we don't pay a lot of attention to what [the whales] do wrong, but instead give lots of attention to what they do right, they do the right thing more often," that's putting into words a complete paradigm shift in the way I began to look at classroom management a few years ago. I needed to praise what was going RIGHT.

    Yes, I have to address misbehavior, but drawing huge amounts of high-volume attention to it simply reinforces that it DOES get the attention that our students so desperately crave. When they see that wrong behavior=attention, I found that the misbehaviors replicated in the class and became self-propagating among my students.

    Implementing "Whale Done" is a 'one at a time' kind of thing. I may not remember to praise all the positive behavior I see in a day, but I can, little by little, see MORE positive behavior each day than I saw before. Not only do my students benefit from reinforced right actions, I also benefit from a more positive mindset. I find that when I'm looking for the negative, it negatively influences the way I think and feel. When I make it my goal to intentionally praise positive behavior, my mindset shifts and my own attitude improves along with it. Choosing a "Whale Done" mindset is going to be vital to our success with ALL our students as our class sizes and our challenges continue to grow.

  3. I believe the Whale Done principles are doable with some modifications in reference to who we are working with. If done properly, I see these principles resulting in a win-win for all concerned. I think that there are pros and cons to both incorporating the principles professionally and personally. Personally-because of the closeness to a particular situation and professionally--because of possible time contraints which could limit our efforts IF WE ALLOW IT. I feel that all involve would benefit on some level if I were successful at changing. There were two ah ha statements in chapter one for me. 1) "The more attention you pay to behavior, the more it will be repeated." 2) "If you don't want to encourage poor behavior, don't spend to much time on it."

  4. With a conscious effort, I feel that the Whale Done principles could definitely be implemented!
    I have long observed the benefits of a Whale Done approach. People LOVE to be appreciated, and LOVE to have their efforts recognized. As long as the comments are sincere and believeable, the person embraces the words of praise, and strives to become more than before. I witnessed this time and again while serving as the Residency Coordinator at Parkland, where my speakers were consistent and reliable, and loved to come speak for my Residency. I always made a point of recognizing their contributions and promoting their accomplishments whenever possible, and they rewarded me with their service and professionalism. I feel that I could most improve the WHALE DONE approach when dealing with my children. I do recognize their acheivements, but qualify the praise with how they could be even better (which tends to squelch the praise). Chapters 1&2 reinforced the concept that people will live up to what we expect from them (positive OR negative). I love to recognize success and achievement. I love to witness the expressions of appreciation when effort is acknowledged, so I benefit from sharing a "WHALE DONE" as well. Enthusiasm is contagious! It is wonderful to "wash our hands" of GOTCHA-ISM. WHALE DONE makes us think about others. It takes us OUT of the seat of JUDGEMENT, and INTO the seat of ENCOURAGEMENT.

  5. Changing how you see things can be hard. We always tend to think the worst and allow our fears to take over. But if you train yourself to see the glass half full, rather than half empty you will begin to think positive of yourself and others. You will want to help others, give them a pat on the back and think of ways to help everyone overcome obsticles. WHALE DONE is powerful, it can also be applied to any relationship. A WHALE DONE is very powerful, try it for a day and you will notice you feel better too!

  6. The Whale Done principles are doable if you put forth an honest effort. The principles will benefit you just as much as the people you interact with.The principles really aren't very hard unless you are set in your ways which is a problem I personally have. I have tried exercising one principle in particular (ignore the negative)and I must admit it is trying, but the more I do it the easier it gets. In the end, everyone will benefit if...no when...I make the changes needed.

  7. The principles of Whale Done are absolutely doable and beneficial. It is always pleasing to work in an positive enviroment,that goes for your personal life as well. It takes a load off when you are surrounded by postive things and your work ethics display things that are noticeable to others who would say that’s a job “Whale Done”. I do not think that its hard to adhere to the principles, if you genuinely want to or see the need for change in certain areas within yourself it can be done. But, I must say that building TRUST is a major component of the principles in my opinion, it could make a relationship very strong or tear a relationship completely down.

  8. Yes the principals are doable; it may take a little bit of extra effort on our part but that does not make them impossible. I can see many benefits in doing this: 1. If we are seeing the positive in people we are automatically going to be more positive ourselves that is going to make things better right off. 2. Another benefit will be more people looking for attention for the right thing and as teachers we are always wanting the kids to do this anyway. Like I said at the beginning it is not going to be something that is easy or comes natural we are going to have to work at it; but it seems like a lot more fun than looking for the negative all the time. If I were successful in changing and making most of my days looking for "Whale Done" days then everyone that I come in contact with is going to benefit.

  9. Yes the Whale Done principals are doable,the benefits are, you have a positive attitude in order to recieve positivity, I agree with Mrs. Rogers in her statement she said more people will look for attention for the right thing and as teachers we are always wanting the kids to do this,I everyone had more of a positive attitude then the work enviroment would be better, it is always hard at times to have a positive attitude when people always bring you down, or they have a negative attitude about things, I will have more Whale Done days, and everyone will benefit, Always have a positive attitude.

  10. The Whale done principles are doable. The key element that I gained from the first two chapters is the concepts of Trust. I believe in or to gain trust there has to be a strong reportie developed. People are more prong to collaborate and cooperate when TRUST has been establish.
    The whale done principle can be implemented personally and professionally when approached with a positve and reflective manner.

  11. Are the "Whale Done" principles doable? Absolutely! Everyone could benefit from a friendly, trusting, and risk-free environment. It is easier to maintain relationships both personally and professionally when individuals trust and respect one another. Will this approach solve all future problems and issues? Definitely not! However,when a person is always positive in their communication with others, and concerning others, just like a boomerang, it comes right back! Everyone would benefit from the "Whale Done" principles.

  12. -Are the Whale Done principles doable? Yes, I believe that they are doable.
    -What are benefits of doing this? The most profound benefit is motivation, encouragement and finding joy in what ever task that you ask of an individual.
    -How hard would it be to do this both personally and professionally? I don't think it will be too hard...its doable and the redirecting portion of "WHALE DONE" not only with others but remembering to redirect old behaviors within 'self' is also important.
    -Who would benefit if I am successful at changing? EVERYONE will benefit.

  13. The Whale Done principles are certainly doable! The benefits involve building a positive mindset while building positive working relationships. I realize when I am more positive with my students and my children I feel a sense of inner peace personally and they respond better. As they learn from the positive examples set for them, they learn to use Whale Done principles as well. The most challenging key point is to systematically make a conscience effort to accentuate the positive and "redirect" the negative. However, I do realize that when I am successful at fully changing, my relationships, those who witness the change, and I will benefit.

  14. The Leadership Team read Whale Done several months back and there were so many usable lessons that I learned from this simple book. We as teachers spend a lot of useless time focusing on the negative that we see in students while we should spend quality time focusing our attention on the positive from our kids. Obviously, this negative focus doesn't lessen the issues with the student but often worsens those problems. On page 6 in the middle of the page, it states, "it doesn't make much sense to punish a killer whale and then ask a trainer to get in the water with him." To me this statement describes the situation we put our students in when we berate them and then want them to perform academically in class. We need to focus our sites on the positive that our students bring to the table.

  15. Yes I say the Whale Done principles are doable. It must be evident in early childhood. Why? The little ones are a little relutant to trust a new teacher or adult. We must first win their trust in order for the day to run smooth. The book says to build trust and accentuate the positive. We can use this priciple in our personal lives as well. At times we must trust ourselves in order to go out and test to waters so to speak. Try new things.

  16. This is eye opening, it was and is always before us, when we talk about the positive things and catch people doing what is good we boast their ego and self esteem. This is definitely doable, but initially it will take a lot of hard work, working to get away from pointing out what is wrong and working to correct the wrong. Now we must work on the positive and redirect to produce more positive.

    This should work both professionally and personally, but it will require changing our attitudes and ideas. Reaching for what is done right and keeping negative ideas out of our discussions about others.

  17. The principals are very doable if we can overcome our old way of doing things and allow our minds and perspectives to be renewed.
    The benefits in our environment whether home or work is greater trust and productivity as well as richer relationships.
    How hard it would it be to do this both personally and professionally is dependant upon the individual and their willingness to change or be flexible.
    We all benefit in many ways...positive energy and interactions should always attract positive. Like the book said, there are some that just have attitudes that are bad. In the grand scheme, these principals, if put into practice with a pure heart and desire to improve, should achieve great results, improve trust, create stronger relationships and foster growth.

    If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Romans 12:18

  18. The Whale Done principles are doable. Students will benefit greatly because they do want and need attention. If they get attention for the positive things that they do, they will be more likely to continue that behavior. Following these principles would be challenging at first because I like to make sure that my students and children understand when they have done something negative. It can be done and is something that I would have to work at both personally and professionally. Everyone that I deal with on a daily basis will benefit from me using the Whale Done principles.

  19. The "Whale Done" approach is very much doable. Sof often we focus on the negative, even when it pertains to ourselves. Sometimes we get so caught up in noticing the negative in ourselves that we seem to seek out the negative in others. The Whale Done approach counters this behavior.

    The principles of Whale Done are something that I plan to make a practice not only in others but myself as well. I say this because if I can't accentuate the positive, redirect my own energy, and praise my progress how can I learn to do that with others?

    Professionally, we can have to learn to build one another up because we are all apart of the same team. When we focus on the negative of one person, we are accentuating the negative of the entire team. The key is finding something to praise in each of our RHE family members and making a big deal out of it. Doing so would definitely increase morale and the willingness to do and be our best!

  20. The Whale Done principles are definitely doable. I believe that as a society we have generally become accustomed for looking for the "bad" in situations. (How many times do we compliment the service at restaurants rather than complaining about what you DIDN'T get?) The benefits from applying these principles would be a change in behavior in both the students/situations that are negative. This not only includes what students/teachers/whomever are doing but also includes you as the person who seeks out the positive behaviors you wish to enforce.

    Nothing worth having is easy. This reminds me of a point our Youth Minister pointed out. We as humans are NOT good people. It takes training to become good and consistent practice and reinforcement to keep doing and being good. It's the same way with dieting or living healthier lifestyles. It's going to be hard but if you want the results in the end you HAVE to work at it.

    Who would it benefit? It would benefit all those involved. It's more than just changing the behaviors. Focusing on the positive rather than the negative is a behavior too.

  21. Are the Whale Done principles doable? Absolutely
    -What are benefits of doing this? The benefits are endless.
    -How hard would it be to do this both personally and professionally? It truly isn't that hard! I am really excited after reading a couple of chapters of this book! I started using it on my family and on the students here at school and IT'S WORKING!!! Sometimes it has been difficult to find the positive but once I redirect and then find something to praise then it is like a new person is in front of me, with a smile on their face. :)
    -Who would benefit if I am successful at changing? I will benefit and so will every person we touch.

  22. I believe the Whale Done principles are doable. I have learned when I focus on the positive things in my life it allows people around me to react in a positive matter. I'll be honest it is a difficult task at first but in the long run it helps develop positive and trustworthy work and personal relationships.

  23. The Whale Done principles are beyond doable, they are some of the principles of life. It is not difficult to practice these in our personal and professional lives because you have to accentuate the positive in order to gain trust.
    Life is not a "gotcha" attitude. However, life should generate a "Whale Done" response.

  24. Each day has been an epiphany since I read ch. 1&2 and have been actively putting these ideas into practice in the classroom and at home. I immediately remembered my early teaching classes in college. "Specific praise" was something we all had to learn and practice. It's easy to say "good job" because you're supposed to, but much harder to give specific, enthusiastic praise to people.
    I have seen the benefits almost immediately with "Whale done". My students are extrememly receptive to my specific, enthusiastic praise and they become eager to learn, participate, and improve! The more I have been practicing, the easier it has become to not only give praise, but really feel excited about their accomplishments and, more importantly, their progress. I have also noticed my mood improve greatly these last several days. Instead of feeling discouraged, tired and unmotivated, I'm energized, excited and happy. I have also found my desire to become more productive with work and creative with teaching!
    I think we know that "whale done" is true and it works, we just forget about it sometimes or we need more practice. Everyone benefits, even you!

  25. Positive reinforcement and redirecting negative behaviors has been an ongoing directive for many businesses including education. It has been shown in numerous studies to produce positive results. You can give it catchy buzzwords and cutesy stories but the idea is the ame as it was 30 or more years ago. The difficulty lies in consistency and being psitive in areas where he/she "should know better". I can be hard to reinforce positive behavior when it shows itself irregularly. But with practice and perserverance it will work.

  26. I believe "whale-done" is something that can be implemented consistently. It may require a LOT of effort, but if done effectly it will spark a positive change in everyone involved. Whale Done is definitely one of those books that will allow you to truly do some self reflection on how you affect the people around you in your personal and work lives.

  27. The Whale Done teaching is doable. The benefits are personal and professional and everyone will be successful in changing . When one is positive everyone around them will be to, like a domino effect. Being positive is always good at work. If one changes and is positive then we all seem to want to do better. It seems like instead of focusing on the positive we are always focusing on the negative things. While reading Whale Done I do see how we often forget about the good things. We should try to focus more on helping one another and striving everyone to do well!

  28. The principles in "Whale Done" include positive stroking to encourage those in our circle of influence to continue to do their best. This should and could be used in our professional as well as personal lives. These principles can revolutionalize our lives and put all that we do in a positive frame. Families and students would then look to us for help and encouragement because of our positive and confirming way of working with all others.

  29. I forgot to state that the Whale Done principles are doable, and that one benefit would be that our families and students would benefit the most. The positive atmostophere would help us get the results that we want. Its not hard to do, getting started would be the hardest step, because being positive requires changing.
