Monday, September 19, 2011

Expecting Succcess

In pages 31-50 of the Shark and the Goldfish, Sammy had to remind Gordy to see the positives and not focus so much on the negatives. Like Gordy, we often fail to see the beauty of the forest because we are focusing on the minor blemishes of a few trees. As educators we focus on the ones who can't and often fail to see their progress or even the accomplishments of the whole. This creates a false feeling despair and hopelessly. Like Gordy, you have to expect success for each of your students and for yourself. I believe in your ability to successfully reach your students.

Please take a moment to tell us about all of the great things that you have already seen in your students so far and how you are going to use those things to accomplish your goals this year!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Shark and The Goldfish

Please read through page 29 in "The Shark and The Goldfish" and describe a time in your life when you were a Goldfish and when you were a Shark.  What determined your attitude(goldfish or shark) in both situations?  How do you think a "shark" attitude can increase your chances of success at GWC?