Monday, September 19, 2011

Expecting Succcess

In pages 31-50 of the Shark and the Goldfish, Sammy had to remind Gordy to see the positives and not focus so much on the negatives. Like Gordy, we often fail to see the beauty of the forest because we are focusing on the minor blemishes of a few trees. As educators we focus on the ones who can't and often fail to see their progress or even the accomplishments of the whole. This creates a false feeling despair and hopelessly. Like Gordy, you have to expect success for each of your students and for yourself. I believe in your ability to successfully reach your students.

Please take a moment to tell us about all of the great things that you have already seen in your students so far and how you are going to use those things to accomplish your goals this year!


  1. This is only the 5th week of the first 6 weeks, and what a ride so far! I can only imagine as the weeks progress how much more thrilling this will become.
    The biggest insight that I have into my kids accomplishments’ is seeing their face when I pass their grades back. The excitement that they exude when they receive a good grade is emotional, the smile is priceless. I plan to cultivate that happiness and put the excitement, contentment, and motivation to good use. Students want rewards, no, students need rewards the biggest and most effective reward that I can think of is their own accomplishment. Many of the children may not have the positive influence that surrounds them at G.W. Carver and so it is vital to reinstate the positive atmosphere throughout their day when they accomplish something great. I am doing my best to grade papers in a timely manner so the kids will understand the importance of doing a great job as well as allowing them to come see me as necessary for tutoring or extra credit.

  2. I really like the fact that majority of my students put forth a good effort on everything that they do. One of my rules is (Always do your Best). When I went over this rule at the beginning of the year, I told my students to always do your best in everything you do no matter what. I have alot of participation in my class also. I encourage them to try even if they think their answer is wrong. I let them know that we will help them come up with the correct answer. One thing that really amazes me is how much science knowledge they already have. I am going to use their prior knowledge to review and build on. I am also going to correct their misconceptions.
    L. Collins

  3. I have witnessed a few great accomplishments from my students. I have seen signs of respect when speaking amongst themselves as well as adults. I have witnessed students putting forth their best effort when completing assignments and earning good grades, and I have witnessed students being excited about learning new concepts while discovering how it can relate to real life situations.I am going to feed off their accomplishments by continuing to show respect toward students and adults alike, planning relevant lessons with my social studies department that sparks the interest of the students, and by putting my best foot forward in everything I do. I expect many great accomplishments from my students this year and for years to come.

  4. I feel success has alot to do with the drive of my students and the drive I try to instill in my students. In phys ed you have alot of have and have nots. What i mean by that is some students have a gift of coordination and physical ability and some have to work at it a little harder. All of my students give 100% we are currently in the sport of football and I have students that would catch anything you throw at them. then I had some that there face would catch it before there hands would. I’m proud to say by the end of last week we did the pass and catch drill and all of my students can catch and throw a football properly now. I was surprised how much my kid did and didn’t know about the game of football. What I like about my students is that they are all willing to learn and that’s all I ask.

  5. In PE everything is a progression; we break things down into uncomplicated steps and then put it all together...kind of like the Karate Kid ("wax on, wax off.") We have been playing volleyball for a few weeks and it is enjoyable to celebrate the small triumphs, improvements and catch the smiles of confidence as students set goals and enhance their skills. ~M. Butler

  6. While reading The Shark and the Goldfish” I couldn’t help but place Jon Gordons words into the context of George Washington Carver’s life story. Carver’s life began with challenges and setbacks, yet, he did not allow the negativity of his situation be the defining principle of his life. Instead, he overcame loss with success; he beat back racism through education, and made himself relevant through ingenuity and inventiveness.

    In the same way, I’ve seen George Washington Carver students, some of which, come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds demonstrate a similar drive for meaning and purpose. I’ve seen students help each other, encourage each other, and even challenge those who needed to be confronted in the classroom. These moments of possibility are filled with potential in which we can use to sow seeds of academic and ethical discipline. I believe the framework to produce Carver Scholars are in place, we must like Gordy, see past the obscurity of negativity and recognize “the power of belief.”

  7. Even though the school year is young I have seen an eagerness to learn new things, and competitiveness amongst the new students. Those two attributes foster a breeding ground for learning and success among students. I intend on taking that same energy and incorporating it into lessons that will spark the interest and curiosity within my students to exceed. I will accomplish the goals this year by encouraging the students and continuing to push them to strive for excellence. I like to reflect on what Gordy wrote. “Your faith and belief in a positive future leads to powerful actions today.” We must always remember to focus on the Students, the reason why we are here!

  8. Train up a child as he should go and he will not depart when older, circumstances change, in a new environment, doing new things new ways....God will give the increase! We believe and expect success no matter what WAVES come! We are Overcomers! We Can Do...!

  9. I have seen so much excitment in my students eyes and faces this year especially when they answer questions or in a discussion. the room feels up with so much excitement that i have a hard time calmine them down. It makes me feel good inside to know that my students want to learn and are excited about learning. I beleieve we will have a wonderful year.

  10. I love the excitement I see in a student's eyes when they have been struggling with a concept and they suddenly have that "A-HA" moment. When I see it, I say things like, "A-Ha! Now finish doing what you know how to do!" Their excitement gets me excited and others who struggle start to try and find their A-HA moment. It also makes me search for mine when it comes to provide them with skills they can use in both math and life! That excitemnt is my drive to accomplish all my goals for the year.

  11. I impressed by students willingness to take the initiative without being ask to help their classmates who are struggling with their assignments. They have a sincere desire in wanting everyone to do well in science. When we were going over how to calculate density, some of my students served as peer tutors and they showed a great deal of patience and fortitude in teaching their peers how to calculate density. I ‘m also very appreciative of my bilingual students for their willingness to assist their Spanish speaking classmates who is new to America in completing their class assignments . They unselfishly give of their time by translating everything I say from English to Spanish. I am very proud of Spanish speaking student level of engagement in my science class. Despite the fact that they do not speak any English, they pay attention in my science class and take an active role in all the activities in my class. I will continue to create a collaborative environment in my classroom where students will benefit from each other academic strengths which would lead them to do well in science.

  12. So far I have seen a group of students that want to learn and at the same time they are working through a few obstacles so that they can do that. I love the fact that most of my students are followers and are very eager to follow my lead. They are very caring individuals and are respectful in a one on one setting. I must say that I have truly taken advantage of their kindness but flipping it back onto them. I’m taking time to gain very meaningful relationships so that my students can trust me enough to teach them whatever they need to know.

  13. So far, my students have been great participants in their education. I have a few kids that do not let their challenges get in their way. These self-motivated student’s, have put a lot of effort in their work. I will reflect and give them the tools and resources needed for their success this school year and beyond.



  14. I feel I have been successful in helping our students recognize we expect their best and we work to provide them the tools to help them achieve success. I often arrive with a long list of things to do but as soon as my day begins, our students dictate my true schedule. I feel I convey to our students that there is always someone available to help them.
