Wednesday, January 25, 2012


How do you feel AVID will help our students at Carver?  What do you see as the long term effects of AVID on our schools and community?


  1. AVID is going to advance student learning to the highest degree in the pursuit of preparing our students at Carver for College. It looks like AVID will go hand in hand with the TAP System in increasing student achievement and determination. I feel the program will give students the confidence and desire that they need to become successful, productive citizens in our society. As 6th Graders, it will be an advantage to our students starting at a critical point in their educational lives.

  2. AVID is an additional resource for teachers to assist their students in developing essential skills needed to be successful learners now and in the future. Also, AVID will help students by tapping into their inner strengths and building confidence in abilities that they did not know they have. I see AVID as the one addition avenues that will continue to promote the LISD initiative of College and Career Readiness. The long term effect of the success of AVID in LISD is that LISD will become a premier school district that is known for having students who are prepared and ready to meet the challenges of whatever college and career they choose. This in turn will attract more people and hopefully businesses to the community.

  3. I see that AVID is a type of college readiness class. To have a time specifically set aside to explore goals and colleges, as well as self esteem is needed. I think that a community of people who can plan for the future also have something to look forward to. Which will encounter better decision making for one's own self (kujichagulia)

  4. AVID will help our kids see the true potential that they have and it will help teachers motivate our future leaders to pursue their educational goals! Potential is fueled by self esteem and when kids believe they can, they will. The long term effects of AVID: our community will be better educated, we will have a vast knowledge pool of former students that could possibly help nuture children in the district,and LISD will be a coveted district for years to come!

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  6. AVID gives the impression that it is a great program for students to develop the confidence that they need to achieve. I think that this could be a great teacher tool to reach all students and help each student discover the potential that they have. This program gets the student the will to not only achieve, but also believe. When the students begin to look at their life and situation in a positive light it will most definitely magnify within the local as well as the surrounding communities. The students will take ownership and have pride for what they call their own. Becoming a promoter of AVID seems to be a win-win situation.

  7. AVID will increase student learning at GWC. It will be a rigorous class that will motivate and better prepare our students for college. Like IB, This program will give students the opportunity to think beyond Lancaster and make global connections. If implemented correctly, Lancaster will have more minority students seeking careers in STEM fields.

  8. I see AVID being in line with the future direction that GWC is taking. AVID seems to be another tool or resource designed to place our students in the position, not only to be college ready, but also, to pursue and be successful in a STEM related occupation. Additionally, AVID has the potential to increase self-esteem and foster a positive culture of excitement toward learning and achievement.

  9. Advancement VIA Individual Determination (AVID) reaches across ethnicity or socio-economic background with rigor creating students with increased achievement so that they will be able to compete and become more open-minded in the 21 century. It will be a great tool for teachers and students. I believe students can reach their God-given and programs like AVID will offer venues. I believe this community will exceed the expectations and buy into it for global experience and local success!

  10. AVID will help increase the confidence in our students to achieve more knowledge. It will help there overall learning here at GWC. It will encourage the students to really start thinking seriously about higher education regardless of social-economic backgrounds.

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  12. I envision AVID as being an asset to the vision of GWC's goals. Students would be better prepared to globally embrace the world's challenges and make connections. The progam would enlighten students' cultural awareness, boost self esteem and enhance academic achievement.

  13. I feel as if AVID will give students another goal to reach towards. Coupled with STEM, AVID allows students to make real world connections to careers in mathematics and work towards attending colleges and universities to work in these fields. It will be a postivie experience and a "boost" to student education and personal learning goals for our students.

  14. I believe AVID will assist Carver in reaching the goal of improving student success. AVID gives every student a chance to experience success as well as supply students with every opportunity to strive for excellence. Not only does AVID focus on academics; it gives students confidence and improves social skills needed to interact with people on a daily basis. The long term effects that AVID will have on our schools and community are: #1 - The community will be able to see the strides that are being made by noticing a difference in the way the children in the community behave as well as respond to a given situation. #2 - The community in return will be proud to be a part of the movement toward excellence and be more willing to assist in reaching the districts goals. The effects AVID will have on the district are: #1 - Experience increased graduation rates. #2 - Increased attendance rate. #3 - Increase college readiness. #4 - Decrease in drop out rates. Overall, AVID seems to be another program that strives for academic excellence.

  15. From looking at the video and reading a powerpoint about AVID I believe the program will help develop critical thinking skills, and also give students the opportunity to work on skills that there is usually not time for in the typical calss period. I think that this program has the potential to make college graduation more of an expectation with a larger portion of the community. In other words, an increase in expectations of the students both academically and socially.

  16. feel that the AVID program will be huge success for our students. This will fit right in with the STEM program. This will help usher our student into the right pipe line for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. This will also equip each educator on our campus to push our students to limit. Every child can dream, think and therefore can learn. With this program it will allow us to maximize every opportunity as a teachable moment.

    Thank you

    Mr. Lawrence

  17. After seeing and hearing the young man's comments about AVID, I truly feel that if will help our students learn to first take pride in themselves and secondly take pride in their work. I also feel that AVID and STEM will work hand in hand which will only make GWC an outstanding campus that others will try to emulate.

  18. I feel that any program that will allow our students to believe in themselves and push their limits at the same time will become an asset to Carver. As teachers we tell them everyday "you can do it" or "you can achieve it if you believe it." Having a program that offers the same benefits such as those offered by AVID will allow our students to grow. I also believe the AVID program ties in nicely to the technology learning devices and software programs that already offered here at Carver.

  19. I believe the AVID program will have a tremendous effect on our students here at GWC. Our students will be able to gain the needed advantage to achieve at their highest potential. AVID will challenge our students to become better learners and have great pride in their endeavors. I further believe that AVID will go “hand and hand” with the STEM project base learning that will close the achievement gap for our students. I see our students transformed into an academic culture and the number of students who will enroll in four-year colleges succeed to postsecondary education and training.

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  21. AVID sounds like a very nice program. It will probably be of a great benefit to the school, but I am wondering if we could maybe in the future get some programs to help magnify our A students as well. Since, AVID is a program design to better just our B, C, and D students.

  22. I like the fact that the Avid program motivates at risk students to achieve academic success. Some Carver students live in households where no one in their family graduated from college or high school. Having Avid at Carver will give at risk students several opportunities to learn about different colleges as well as different degree programs. The Avid program will give students exposure they need to find out what college life is like. As well as possible careers at risk students can pursue. The Avid program will inform and inspire our at risk students that they to can go to college despite their economic background and past academic failure.
    Ms. Perrodin
