Monday, October 3, 2011

On thriving!

On page 53 Gordy says "I want to do more than survive. I want to thrive."  How many of us have become content with merely surviving in our personal and professional lives?  We have accepted that things could be worse, I am better off than most and I should be thankful for what I have?  While this is noble, I am choosing to aspire for more.  My newest ink poses this question for me, "why not?"  Like Gordy, I too want to thrive not only in this life but the next!  I challenge you to ask yourself, why not you as you see others thrive today.   As you finish this book, how/what are going to do to ensure that you "THRIVE" this year and beyond? 


  1. Reading this book allowed me to reflect on myself. As I read the book and reviewd Gordy's many complaints, I was able to identify areas in my life where I have simply allowed myself to settle for things as they are. There was once a time in my life when I didn't simply take things at face value, but over time, things happen in different areas of our lives which can leave us feeling defeated. I want to write the story of my life as an "inspirational novel" as the shark told Gordy. I want others to see me as someone who never gives up, someone who works to always make their best even better. I have been examining how I prioritize my time and my organization. This will ensure I am able to turn the tables on the negative aspects of my life or things which pop up along the way to me achieving my best. I am inspired to be the best teacher, wife, mother, sister and friend I can possibly be. No one wants to hear a sad tale or why it can't be done. This book allowed me to refocus my views towards success. It is attainable, and it
    s something I must work towards each and every single day.

    ~Knikole Taylor

  2. Many times I feel that we settle for status quo. We become complacent and complacency leads to complaining. In my cases, I have settled for just doing enough to get by. I have decided, as the quote says "Good better best, never let it rest, until my Good is better, and my Better is best." I have to be a better manager of my time. To thrive this year and beyond, I have made up my mind, that's it not just good to be average, I want to be the best. I have also incorporated the "can do" philosophy. I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength. If it's planning more, I can do it. If it's doing everything to ensure the success of our students, I can do it. I have the "Isaiah" attitude. If you need somebody, here am I. This will not only ensure my success this year, but it will ensure my success beyond this year, and in every aspect of my life.

  3. Like Gordy, I also want to do more than simply survive. I want to thrive! Surviving can be good, but it is not the best. When a person survives, many times they are going through the motions of life and not necessarily putting forth their best effort. Thriving on the other hand is when you don't settle for less, expect and demand the best of yourself and others, and do what needs to be done in order to be successful. This school year and beyond, I will thrive by doing my best in everything set forth, being a supportive team member, and making sure I am a life long learner to ensure I improve and learn from life experiences on a daily basis.

  4. My motto for this year is “No excuses, Just results”. I am committed to putting in the time, energy, and work to maximize my potential as an educator, father, son, and friend. My objective for every week is to be proactive and complete challenging/meaningful tasks at school and in my personal life. It is written that “patience” is a virtue. When my day is hectic and roadblocks appear, I look for alternative methods and resources to get the job done right the first time.
    Although my students challenge me, my son is my greatest inspiration and as a single farther I strive to be the best I can be so that I am a positive role model for him. “A man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a Heaven for” is one of my favorite sayings. I always tell my students to believe in themselves, follow their dreams, and NEVER settle for anything less than their best.

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  7. In order to thrive professionally and personally, I must have self-confidence in my abilities and talents. I must hold fast to the belief that God equipped with the right gifts and talents to flourish. Despite any imperfections I may have I can experience success. I will not live a wasted life by focusing my energy and resources on petty disputes or negative people who have a limited perspective of me and who focus on my flaws and not my glows. But I will focus on situations and people who add value to my life and who believe that I can be successful and willing to challenge me to bring out my creative gifts and talents. I will remove distractions that pull me off course and focus on the goals that I want to accomplish. I will not become a prisoner to my past failures but view each day as a new beginning to achieve success.

  8. I have learned to live life with a little “unsettling discontent.” For me, this dissatisfaction with “things as they are” is often the impetus for change and growth. Not just for me, but, I think this is the universal catalyst for human growth and achievement. Isn’t it true that the more we acquire the more dissatisfied we become with that which we have attained? There is, and should be, a continual desire to advance, progress, and move forward in every area of life. This is what “The Shark and the Goldfish” reaffirmed in my life…don’t settle (to do so is a set up for unhappiness and misery), instead, as uncomfortable as change can be, embrace the next challenge.

  9. I have learned so much about myself by reading this book. I have learned that I am a shark with a Goldfish’s mentality. Allow me to explain. On the outside I am the shark always ready to go, brave by stature with tough skin, but on the inside I am like Gordy having to tell myself that “I can” and “I will” even if it means to write it down and read it on a daily basis. To be successful you must want more, need more, never settling for what is. I want more, I want to not only be a successful teacher but one that others come to for advice, I realize of course that I have a long way to go along this journey but just because the ocean is big it doesn’t make it any less beautiful. Some people will ask themselves during times of crisis, “why me?, why now?” I say “why not?” I am a firm believer in what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger and I often thank God that he has so much faith in me that I am truly as strong as he has made me. Recently, I had the opportunity to look at myself and re-examine my classroom management plan. I looked for help, discussed possible issues and have re-done my procedures. I just remind myself that I can push through, I can be a nurturing, yet strong mother for my daughter, I can be a supportive wife to my husband, a loyal friend, and a successful, inspiring teacher. I can because I have faith that God made me strong and because I simply tell myself, “of course I can, why not?”

  10. I truly believe that whether you thrive or remain content depends on your state of mind. What you think will author your actions. If we have a mindset of defeat or that things are simply too hard, we will become complacent; however, if we choose to find ways to improve or overcome those "defeating" situations then we have no choice but to thrive.

    My plans for thriving this year and beyond are simple...focus my mind and actions on thriving in this chaotic world and not merely surviving by following the norm.

  11. Karen Hazel Post:

    Embracing the mentality of the shark is how I plan to thrive this year and beyond. I will focus on the opportunities that present themselves. And I will always seek to make things better rather than becoming content. I will accept change willingly because without change, I will become content with "how things are". I will continue to seek the knowledge of those who are great. I will be humble and never be afraid to ASK. Lastly, I will trust in God and His vision for me.

  12. TaTanisha Stevenson Post:

    I want to always exceed expectations in everything I do, especially in my quest to educate young minds. It has never been enough just to thrive. Julia Roberts said it best in the movie, Steel Magnolias "I'd rather have one day of awesome than a lifetime of nothing special." The Shark and the Goldfish reminds us that our careers, education, life is not something you should be a spectator for, but rather a team member and participant. So, ask yourself: Are you a spectator in life or a Participant?

    Ms. Stevenson

  13. I want to always exceed expectations in everything I do, especially in my quest to educate young minds. It has nver been enough just to thrive. Julia Roberts said it best in the movie, Steel Magnolias "I'd rather have one day of awesome than a lifetime of nothing special." The Shark and the Goldfish reminds us that our careers, education, life is not something you should be a spectator for, but rather a team member and participant. So, ask yourself: Are you a spectator in life or a Participant?
    Ms. Stevenson

  14. I believe that all of us come to a "Crossroad". Are we striving for a change like Gordy or settling for status quo? Sometime it is easier to accept our places in life and ceases to seek out opportunities and venture out. I know of many people who aren't happy with careers and lives but do nothing to change it. We must seize every opportunity to the fullest and never being satisfied with our lot. I express this philosophy to my children and students. We must not only survive but "thrive."

  15. I want to do more than just survive in life. I want to thrive to be the best. The best wife,mother,educator,coach and ect. Our motto in volleyball this year is "YES WE CAN" by saying this motto helps the girls to believe they can acheive any goals on and off the court. I would love to get all of the negative thoughts and words out of their heads. Such as "I CAN'T". If you think you can't than you will never achieve your goals in life. I will never settle for anything in my life. I WILL ALSO THRIVE TO BE THE BEST!!

  16. Ashley Barnes Post:

    Actually, all of those previous statements at one point in time have described how I’ve felt in several situations. The truth of the matter is that all people want to succeed and be great at something; it just the matter of how you make it work for you. For me I know that prayer works, and that faith without work is dead. I will keep the faith and put in the work that’s needed in order to get the job done. In this case I feel that it is more about the walk rather than the talk. It’s a show then tell.

  17. LaTesha Collins Post:

    At the beginning of last year I had the thriving attitude, but after people begin focusing on negativity, always trying to find something to stay on the negative side, and never acknowledging anything positive made me lean toward the survival attitude. I am trying to get my life right inside and out. I refuse to let any negativity get me back into that survival mode. I am going to thrive no matter what. I have put into my mind that LaTesha Collins can and will thrive. I plan on learning how to effectively teach and tier a lesson, so that I reach every student each and everyday.

    L. Collins

  18. Lisa Taylor Post:

    As I reflect on this question I’m reminded of Galatians 6:7 “For whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” I believe that if I give my very best with the correct motives and intentions, I will reap the very best. I also believe the same for this school year and our students; if we give them our best we will reap a great harvest. After reading this book I am more inspired and dedicated to being more like Gordy in every aspect of my life. “I need to step up my game, and stop leisurely surviving and start thriving in all that I do."

  19. I claim a shark mentality. As a shark, we all can thrive even if the variables are not conducive to a survival status. As an educator, in my very weakness, God gives me the strength to survive and not give up. Even if I get it right or wrong, I can continue to participate in the endeavors God has planned for my life. I am claiming the same for the children I teach so that I will not give up on them. The metamorphosis is worth the wait! I will thrive for a metamorphosis in the children and myself!

  20. To ensure that I thrive: I will create specific classroom expereinces, collaborate frequently, speak-up with concerns/issues, offer solutions or alternatives, intervene consistently, think outside of the box, and go beyond. All of this will be possible with God steering this vessel. Also, I feel that I have to recognize challenging situations as opportunities for growth; and be prepared to roll with the tide. It is my belief that the difficult expereinces and seemingly dire circumstances are what define people and shape lives. "Anyone can steer a ship when the sea is calm." ~Publius

  21. I concur with Mrs. L. Taylor's post. I am dedicated to ensuring our students leave us prepared and know that we held nothing back from them, therefore, I do. Sometimes in doing, I have ruffled feathers, but being about kids is why I am here and it is what drives me. I will thrive because it is in His plan and I work to do His will.

  22. In reading pg. 53, the first thing that came across my mind was the movie Remember The Titans. More specifically the character Denzel Washington played. His character had a thriving mentality which was a personal belief so strong he was willing to venture out and take a risk for others as well as himself. He stayed on course even when he faced resistance and others did not understand. Surviving is staying in a comfort zone. This mentality does not produce significant growth/progress personally are professionally. A thriving mentality stays focused even in the face of adversity. I must admit that I started the year off surviving. Personal and Professional issues had begun to take a toll on the Mrs. Jefferson that is a Shark. This was and is not me. The effect of me surviving sent me on an emotional rollercoaster. After much self reflection and this recently occurred, I decided like Denzel’s character to follow my beliefs. I know that as with his character’s belief in hard work, discipline, and togetherness in time success/championships in the Titans case will come.

  23. In order to survive and thrive in your personal and professional life you must stop at nothing to reach your goals. Though obstacles may get in your way you must overcome to reach your achievements. Also you must volunteer and give a hand to those who may be in need. Because at sometime or another we all need encouragement or help from others. A life without service to another person is a life lived in vain.
