Monday, October 10, 2011

Data Walls

Please describe in detail how you are using your data walls to focus and increase student achievement.  If you are not a CORE content teacher, please describe in detail how you are "collaborating" with the CORE content teachers for student success....Please post your response by 6:00 pm on 10/11/2011.


  1. Though I am not a core teacher, I use the data wall this six weeks for grouping. I group the students based on the data that I received from last year. As for how I am going to collaborate with the Core content teachers for student success ....I will try my best to tie together my lesson to connect with that of the core teachers. In my situations, currently in social studies I know they are learning about ancient civilizations and is currently focused on the Inca/Mayan, and since we are currently learning Art History we are currently learning about art history and Egyptian art I will make it a point to show similarity and differences in those two cultures.

  2. I plan to use my data wall to encourage students to "make a move" with each common assessment. My students placed their own data on the wall, and we discussed the importance of refocusing in order to improve our results. I also plan to use them to plan for instruction. When there are more students in red/orange, I know that I need to make time to reteach those concepts either to individual students or to the whole class, dependent on how they perfomed.

  3. The data wall is being used to motivate success through a visual representation of movement. The data wall will enhance student success because they got excited knowing that it is not over. They have room to grow! We all have room to grow inorder to reach the targeted 90%.

  4. I use my data wall as a two-part competition. My data wall is set up as a race track. Each class has a race car that represents the percentage of students passsing in each class. My classes compete to see which one will have the highest percentage passing. If their class has the highest percentpassing, and at least 90% in that class pass, then the wholeclass gets a reward.
    Also, each student has their own race car that they created. The better their score the farther along the race track their car will be. So the students are competing against each other in order to be ahead ofeach other. I believethat this will tap into each students competitive fuel.

  5. I work with the reading teachers by reinforcing the TEKS to be taught, I teach the same TEKS in a different way to ensure students comprehend what they are learning. I want to ensure that I am helping the CORE teachers in every way that I can by re-teaching any aspects they feel their students may be weak in.

  6. I was in Mr. Webb’s class today as student’s assisted in the creation of their data wall—I think it was a sobering experience for most. As students placed their post-it on the appropriate color it became fairly obvious that we as Carver Scholars have a ways to go. Mr. Webb utilized this teachable moment by emphasizing the need to: take ownership of their work, conduct themselves appropriately in the classroom, and to stay engaged throughout the lesson.

    Also, today Special Services began a math/reading intervention lab for our students and we are already producing rich data that I am able to forward to my collaborator-in-crime; in this way, we will be able to make better data-driven decisions regarding accommodations/modifications and other assistive methods that may help to increase student achievement.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I assist the math teachers by reinforcing what they teach in class and I incorporate computer applications and games so that the students can have a little fun learning. I also try to meet the students who are struggling with certain topics by meeting them on their level and trying to get them to the level the CORE teachers teach.

  9. I have initiated a data wall in my class that represents the six week common assessments in Technology. I have started a competition for each class period, as well as using it as a motivational tool for my students to excel. I am collaborating with the ELA teachers by using reading comprehension, various types of (QAR) questioning strategies, context clues while solving problems and answering questions in Technology.

  10. I am currently gathering student assessment data. I have been fine tuning our data management to ensure student assessment data is as accurate as possible. I am working to eliminate obstacles that interfere with making our efforts to maximize our instructional impact. We will have no alibis, no excuses.

  11. The social studies department will use the data wall information to drive the instruction given during tutoring. We will look at SEs students performed low on and focus on that information using various scenerios. We also will work with other content areas to see what we can do to assist with their areas of need because we are all responsible for the success of OUR students.

  12. As school counselor my role as it relates to Data Wall assessment scores is to act as support for teachers and students. Supportive by providing academic counseling for students with academic issues and by researching students academic histories to share with teachers any potential academic concerns.

  13. I will use the data wall to encourage students who are in the red and orange to take advantage of after school tutoring. I will let students know that I am willing to provide them with additional support beyond the instructional day. I will also share with them my own personal experience as a college student in which I had to attend tutoring sessions with my teacher when I took Statistics I was able to pass Statistics because I was not afraid to ask for help and my teacher was willing to assist me with the concepts I struggle with. I will advise my students to inform me what concepts they are struggling with so that I will be able to provide them with personalize instruction to help them overcome their academic weaknesses. I will also use the data wall to foster friendly competition between my science classes. I will offer incentives to the class that has the highest passing rate on common assessment to motivate students to work harder.

  14. As a Phys Ed teacher I can use data walls to see how I can I assist all Core teachers. I would add social studies, math and science and how phys ed and sports are related.

  15. There is not a lot of rearrangement time between assessments. I am working to use the data as a tool for setting up in-class intervention. These assessments will help me to gauge were my students are and where they need to be before the next assessment. I asked the students what they could do to make sure that they achieved on the CA. Across the board, they said that because they saw about half of the student in the red, they have to work harder on the CA.


  16. I will use the data wall as a source of internal motivation for the students to do better and take the common assessments more seriously. I will also use the data wall as feedback from the students to see what needs to retaught and redesigned for student improvement
